BSN’s quest for a Bible House gets a major leap

Pastor Sanusi also reinforced the need for Churches and all Christians to, in the spirit of true ecumenism, rally round the BSN to build a befitting Bible House for God, which will enable the not-for-profit Christian organisation to continue to fulfil her mandate of making the Bible available and affordable to Nigerians, as well as engage people with the Word of God through programmes to transform their lives. The proposed Bible House is expected to have a corporate office space, Bible Museum, Bible library, Warehouse, Bible shop, and a Translation Centre, amongst others.
According to the CEO, building a befitting Bible House should not be as difficult as it seems if each Christian in Nigeria assists the BSN by donating a minimum of ₦1,000 for the project. He made a clarion call to Christians to be part of this laudable project dedicated to God’s heartbeat for mankind by sending their donations to the Society’s GTBank account number, 0003723644, or online via